Creating a highly effective team starts with hiring the right employees first. We’ve been in the recruiting business for over 20 years and know that statement to be an absolute fact. How often do companies start with projects only to get frustrated that the team or project isn’t progressing as it should be? The answer: too many times. It’s a common occurrence when our new employer clients seek our assistance, trying to fill a void in their current team structure.
Once you create the right employee mix in your business, then the next step is to maximize their talents with these great tricks that Inc. highlighted recently. The article Inc. posted is called, 4 Tricks Highly Effective Teams Use, and is an interesting approach to business teamwork based on Stephen Kohn and Vincent D. O’Connell’s 9 Powerful Practices of Really Great Teams. See the Tricks below.
1. Give the team a name.
2. Give the team a mission statement and credo.
3. Do a self-assessment.
4. Develop listening skills and empathy.
To maximize an effective team environment these tricks along with a stellar team, can get results.
Want to read the full article? Visit Inc. here. For more information on our recruiting best practices click here.