Recruiting Blog

3 Tips for Hiring Candidates for Growth

3 Tips for Hiring Candidates for Growth

January marks our “Hiring” theme for our blog posts.  Again, our goal this month to give you some great tips on recruiting and hiring to help you succeed in 2014.  In our previous posts this month, we discussed avoiding bad hires and attracting top talent.  Today’s post we’re discussing hiring candidates for growth

What are the key components hiring managers should look for when searching for candidates who can grow with the company?  Take a look at our list and hopefully it will resonate with some of your hiring goals for 2014.


  • Retention:  Assess your company’s employee retention.  Is there a high turnover?  If so, that makes in near impossible to target candidates for growth.  If companies promote from within, make sure the candidates know about it.  Also, research the candidate to determine if they are good long-term fit for your organization.  If the candidate tends to hop-scotch around to jobs, they are not likely great candidates to grow with an organization.
  • Productivity:  How productive is a potential candidate?  Effectively assessing how quickly a candidate can hit the ground running, can determine instantly the impact and growth of a position and business.  What were their accomplishments the previous year?
  • Conversation:  You understand your business short and long-term objectives, but what about the candidate?  Listen carefully and focus on the conversation to determine if the candidate is in it for the long haul.  What are their professional goals?  Have they offered any of their personal goals?  Getting a total picture about a candidate can give you a clearer view if there is growth potential.

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Ingrid Moore

Corporate Resources of Illinois

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